Page 13 - 2023 - JAMVAC Newsletter - HOLIDAY EDITION V.1.0
P. 13

CHRISTMAS FRUIT CAKE                                   Each meal is a chapter in the island’s gastronomic
             End the meal on a sweet note with a slice of dense,    story, one that’s sure to leave a lasting impression
             moist fruitcake soaked in rum and port wine. Laden     long after the cruise has docked.
             with dried fruits, this cake is a festive tradition    BON VOYAGE AND BON APPÉTIT!
             that embodies the spirit of a Jamaican Christmas.

                                                                Sorrel is a traditional Jamaican drink, especially
                                                                popular during the holiday season. It’s made
                                                                from the sepals of the Roselle plant (Hibiscus
                                                                sabdariffa) and is known for its deep red color,
                                                                unique flavor, and health benefits.

                                                                HERE’S A SIMPLE RECIPE FOR YOU TO TRY,
                                                                PERFECT FOR A CRUISE VISITOR LOOKING TO
                                                                RECREATE A TASTE OF JAMAICA:

                                                       jamaican Sorrel Drink Recipe


                                                         •  2 cups dried sorrel sepals   •  6 - 8 whole cloves
                                                         •  8 cups water                 •  1 cup sugar (adjust to taste)

                                                         • 2 - 3 pieces of fresh ginger,   Optional: orange peel, a few
                                                          peeled and grated               pimento seeds (allspice),
                                                                                          rum to taste.
                                                         •  1 - 2 cinnamon sticks

                INSTRUCTIONS:                 3.  SIMMER:  Reduce the heat  6.  STRAIN:  Use  a  f ine-mesh
                                                 and let the mixture simmer           strainer or cheesecloth to strain
         1.  RINSE THE SORREL: Start by          for about 20-30 minutes. The         the sorrel mixture into a pitcher
             rinsing the dried sorrel sepals     water will turn a deep red color.    or bowl, removing the solids.
             under cold water to remove
             any impurities.                  4.  SWEETEN: Remove the pot  7.  CHILL: Refrigerate the strained
                                                 from heat and add sugar to           sorrel until it’s cold. This bever-
         2.  BOIL THE INGREDIENTS: In a          your taste. Stir until the sugar     age is best served chilled.
             large pot, bring the 8 cups of      is fully dissolved.
             water to a boil. Add the sorrel,                                     8.  SERVE: Pour the sorrel drink
             grated ginger, cinnamon sticks,   5.  STEEP: Cover the pot and let the   into glasses over ice. For an
             whole cloves, and optional          sorrel steep for a few hours, or     adult twist, add a splash of rum
             orange peel and pimento seeds.      even overnight, to deepen the        to each glass. Garnish with a
             Stir well.                          flavors. The longer it steeps, the   slice of orange or a cinnamon
                                                 stronger the flavor.                 stick.

                    ENJOY YOUR HOMEMADE JAMAICAN SORREL DRINK! It’s not only refreshing but
                    also embodies the rich, vibrant flavors of Jamaica. Whether you’re reminiscing
                         about your cruise or sharing with friends, this drink will surely be a hit.

                                              BE IN THE KNO W .  E X P ERIENCE OUR C UL T URE                    15
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