Page 4 - Newsletter Issue 7
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2/13/23, 11:51 AM
All Aboard
World’s Largest Cruise Ship
Makes Inaugural Visit to Falmouth Pier
In December 2022, the award-winning Falmouth Pier welcomed the
inaugural visit of Royal Caribbean’s Wonder of the Seas.
This 18-deck cruise ship has This development is no surprise as to fully understand their role
capacity for 6,988 guests and Jamaica remains the leading port in our success or failure. We
2,300 crew members making of call in the region among cruise have also deepened our focus on
it currently, the world’s largest line executives, travel agents, and sustainable tourism and ensur-
cruise ship. The Executive Director visitors. Roberts and her team ing that local communities share
of Jamaica Vacations (JamVac), have been busy planning and in our collective prosperity while
Joy Roberts, was there for the consulting with stakeholders to protecting the natural magic
occasion and expressed confi- ensure that the standard of excel- that provides visitors with unique
dence in an active cruise calendar lence is maintained at all ports experiences.”
for 2023/24 a major positive boost - Montego Bay, Ocho Rios, Port
to the local economy and recovery Royal, and Port Antonio - receiv- Mayor of Falmouth, Councilor
of communities heavily reliant on ing ships from companies such Colin Gager, highlighted that the
cruise tourism earnings. as Carnival, MSC, Norwegian and Falmouth Pier, which is partly
owned by Royal Caribbean, was
Disney who have demonstrated 1/1
built to receive large ships that
“We are pleased to see this
vote of confidence from Royal strong support for Jamaica. cannot dock at any other port in
Caribbean who have commit- “We continue to seekout ways Jamaica. The Mayor emphasized
ted to sending their flagship to improve and increase the the excitement generated by the
mega vessels - Wonder of the value we deliver. Reaching out visit and bright hopes for the
Seas, Harmony of the Seas, and having meaningful dialogue remainder of the cruise-shipping
and Symphony of the Seas - to with all our stakeholders is key. season, which runs through April
Jamaica. We are prepared to From the police officers who 2023.
meet and surpass the service ensure safety to tour operators,
expectations that come with and other private and public
these premium ships.” partners, we want everyone