Page 2 - Newsletter Issue 7
P. 2
Message from the
In this first issue for 2023, I am writing Another major development to note is the
with a positive outlook for Jamaica’s successful effort by Jamaica in advocating for
vibrant cruise sub-sector this year the official designation by the United Nations of
and beyond. The challenges of February 17 as Global Tourism Resilience Day
the past three years pushed us to annually! We are proud of this major feat and
look forward to commemorating this crucial day
innovate and unlock a new level of each year, as we seek to bolster resilience in global
creativity in finding solutions. With tourism. International tourism stakeholders and
these improvements, greater levels policymakers gathered to mark the first official
of collaboration, and partnerships, observation of this important day during the
we look forward to a busy 2023 cruise historic and highly successful Global Tourism
calendar and an even brighter future Resilience Conference, which was held from
for cruise in Jamaica. February 15-17, 2023 at the University of the
West Indies (UWI) Regional Headquarters in
J Stay tuned for other exciting developments and
Kingston, Jamaica.
amaica’s strong performance at all major
global travel award events confirms our
news about new investments in attractions and
place as the destination of choice for travel-
ers to the Caribbean region. We are grateful activities that will make Jamaica an even more
attractive destination. With your continued support
for this success and remain committed to providing we are confident that the cruise industry in Jamaica
a safe, seamless and enjoyable experience for all will continue to grow and thrive in 2023 and beyond.
cruise passengers. This commitment is evident in
our investments in world-class cruise ports and
facilities that meet the highest standards of safety God bless you!
and security with modern amenities. The Ministry
of Tourism and its public bodies have also invested Hon. Edmund Bartlett, CD, MP
in new forms of technology to make the cruise
experience more efficient and enjoyable, while
continuously providing training opportunities for
our teams and workforce