Page 3 - Newsletter10
P. 3

Message from the



                                                                   Jamaica's role in shaping global tourism resil-
             Embracing a Bright,                                   ience has never been more pivotal. We continue
                                                                   to make a difference on the world stage through

             Sustainable, and                                      strategic initiatives and a steadfast commitment to
                                                                   sustainable tourism practices. Our efforts, particu-
                                                                   larly through the newly rebranded Global Tourism
             Resilient Future                                      Resilience Centre (GTRC), have been instrumental
                                                                   in addressing the challenges posed by natural
                                                                   disasters and global crises, safeguarding the tourism
                                                                   and travel sector's future.

             Dear Cruise Partners,                                 Moreover, the sustainable development of our
                                                                   tourism sector is intricately linked to fostering
             W                                                     in mind, we continue to strengthen the linkages
                                                                   deeper connections with other sectors. With this

                              elcome  to the first issue of
                                                                   between tourism and other productive sectors,
                              Jamaica Cruising for 2024 and
                                                                   such as agriculture and manufacturing, to prevent
                              the beautiful shores of Jamaica!
                                                                   economic leakages, as the sector prepares to meet
                                                                   the sustained and increased demand of visitors
                                                                   over the next few years. This holistic approach
             I am thrilled to share two remarkable milestones      ensures a greater inclusion of local suppliers and
             in Jamaica's tourism journey. Last year, the island   communities, allowing them to thrive alongside
             welcomed a record 4.15 million visitors, comprising   the flourishing tourism industry.
             2.89 million stopover visitors and 1.26 million cruise
             passengers. In terms of tourism earnings, this        As we look towards the future, we invite you
             influx of visitors generated some US$4.27 billion     to be part of this exciting journey. Your role as
             in revenue.                                           travel advisors and cruise tourism stakeholders
                                                                   is crucial in shaping experiences that delight
             Already 2024 is shaping up to be another record       visitors and contribute to the sustainable and
             year. Jamaica welcomed one million visitors and       inclusive growth of tourism in Jamaica.
             generated tourism earnings of US$1 billion for the
             first two months of this year. These achievements
             are more than numbers; it's a testament to Jamai-     Warm regards
             ca's vibrant spirit and enduring appeal as a top-tier
             travel destination.                                   Hon. Edmund Bartlett, CD, MP

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