Page 13 - ONLINE - JAMVAC Newsletter - 2023 FALL EDITION V.1.0
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Jamaica’s First

  Cruise      Procurement            Jamaica

  Expo Highlights Local Suppliers for Cruise Ships  shines                        at

 n Wednesday August 23, 2023,
 Jamaica hosted Royal Caribbean
 at the Cruise Procurement Expo
 O at the Montego Bay Convention        World Travel Awards
 Centre. The event brought together renowned
 suppliers from esteemed companies such as
 GraceKennedy, Jamaica Producers Group,
 Seprod, Tru Juice, AustroJam, and Caribbean   WE ARE THRILLED TO   •   Caribbean’s Leading   Jamaica
 Producers (Jamaica).  CELEBRATE JAMAICA’S          Meetings & Conference           •
                 S U C C E S S  AT  T H E           Centre  - Montego Bay              Jamaica’s Leading Resort
 The main objective of this expo was to showcase   RECENTLY HELD WORLD   Convention Centre   2023 - Sandals Montego Bay
 the diverse range of quality products offered by   TRAVEL AWARDS!                  •   Jamaica’s Leading Travel
 local suppliers that are poised to cater to the needs   The following Jamaican attrac-  Agency 2023 - GO! Jamaica
 of cruise ships visiting Jamaica’s cruise ports.   Jamaica shone brightly at the   tions, resorts, service providers   Travel
 Each supplier had the opportunity to present   star-studded Gala Ceremony that   were also awarded as best-in-
 their unique offerings, establishing valuable   attracted major tourism stakehold-  class:   These awards are a true reflection
 connections and potential partnerships with   ers from across the globe. Known   •   Jamaica’s Leading   of Jamaica’s commitment to excel-
 Royal Caribbean.  for its breathtaking beaches,    All-Inclusive Family Resort     lence in tourism and the contin-
             vibrant culture, and warm hospi-                                       uous efforts to provide an unpar-
 The event successfully fostered collaboration   tality, Jamaica has continued to   2023 -    Beaches Negril  alleled experience for all guests.
 between local suppliers and cruise ship operators,   secure multiple awards over the   •   Jamaica’s Leading   As a cruise travel advisor, you can
 promoting the growth of Jamaica’s cruise industry   years, underscoring its position   Boutique Hotel 2023 -   confidently recommend Jamaica
 and the vibrant local economy. With a diverse range   as a top destination for travelers   Strawberry Hill  as a premier destination to your
 of suppliers participating, the expo demonstrated   from around the world.         clients, knowing that they will be
 the rich potential of Jamaican products to meet   •   Jamaica’s Leading            treated to world-class service and
 the demands of the cruise ship market.  Among Jamaica’s over 30+   Business Hotel 2023 -   unforgettable experiences.
             awards for this year are:              Spanish Court Hotel
             •   Caribbean’s Leading Cruise     •   Jamaica’s Leading Car           The Jamaica Cruising team would

                 Port - Falmouth                    Rental Company 2023 -           like to express our heartfelt grati-
                                                                                    tude to all travel advisors who have
             •   Caribbean’s Leading Home           Island Car Rentals              supported Jamaica over the years.
                 Port - Montego Bay             •   Jamaica’s Leading               Your dedication and partnership
             •   Caribbean’s Leading                Conference Hotel 2023 -         have been instrumental in Jamai-
                                                                                    ca’s success, and we look forward
                 Destination 2023                   Hyatt Ziva Rose Hall            to continuing to work together to
             •   Caribbean’s Leading            •   Jamaica’s Leading Hotel         showcase the beauty and allure of

                 Entertainment Venue:               2023 - S Hotel Jamaica          this incredible island.
                 Margaritaville Caribbean,      •   Jamaica’s Leading Luxury
                 Jamaica                            Resort 2023 - Half Moon,

 13  J AMAIC A CRUISING    ISSUE #8           BE IN THE KNO W .  E X P ERIENCE OUR C UL T URE                    14
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