Page 10 - Newsletter Issue 7
P. 10
in a Cup
While you plan your trip to Jamaica, and a visit to the upcoming
Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee Festival, here’s a simple and delicious
coffee recipe to try at home.
• 2 tablespoons of freshly • 2 tablespoons of sugar
ground Jamaica Blue
Mountain coffee • 1/4 cup of heavy cream
• 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract
• 1 cup of hot water
INSTRUCTIONS: ground coffee and 6. Add the sugar,
stir. heavy cream, and
1. Begin by grinding vanilla extract to the
the Jamaica Blue 4. Reduce the heat mug and stir until
Mountain coffee to low and let the all ingredients are
beans to a medium- coffee steep for 4 combined.
fine consistency. minutes.
7. Enjoy your delicious
2. Bring 1 cup of water 5. After 4 minutes, Jamaica Blue
to a boil in a small remove the sauce- Mountain coffee!
saucepan. pan from the heat
and strain the coffee
3. Once the water is into a mug.
boiling, add the