Page 4 - JAMVAC Newsletter - APR-JUN 2022 V.1.0
P. 4
Special Feature
Jamaica Cruising
- JAMVAC Cruise
360 Workshop
Cruise360, hosted annually by the Jamaica Cruising staged a
Cruise Lines International Association workshop on all things Jamaica
(CLIA), remains the largest and only and cruise which was so well
official conference of the global cruise received that all 75 spaces were
industry. Cruise360 is the ultimate booked in record time. Led by the
event that brings together travel profes- dynamic presenter and cruise
sionals, cruise line representatives, innovator Claudine Pohl, all travel
ports & destinations, industry suppliers professionals in attendance were and insights from the team but
and other stakeholders. The Jamaica fully engaged and raved about handmade jewelry and crafts
Vacations Limited team, led by Execu- JamVac’s newly launched Regal by Jamaican artisans, Jamaica
tive Director Mrs Joy Roberts, made Rewards Programme. There Blue Mountain Coffee, and the
an impressive showing at this year’s were 65 signups in under 60 grand prize of a trip to Jamaica,
staging with overwhelmingly positive minutes! Participants were not won by Lashonda Roberts.
reviews still coming in! From one of only treated to exclusive news
the most popular workshops to a busy
and beautiful shared booth, Jamaica SIMPLY THE BEST - Workshop
Cruising was present, prepared, and Testimonial
making powerful connections with
the international cruise network. In Troy Colbert, a North Caroli-
the words of Mrs Roberts, “From our na-based travel agent working
perspective, our attendance was a with Michelle’s Destinations,
success. Attending CLIA Cruise360 was among the lucky partic-
afforded us the unique opportunity ipants who got a personal
to reconnect with our community of walk through of the signup
cruise partners, travel professionals, process for Regal Rewards, he high energy. It opened up a
and potential collaborators. We look has nothing but praise for the whole new window for me to
forward to continuing the conversa- JamVac team and the workshop. sell Jamaica to my clients and
tions and working together to deliver “The Jamaica Cruising train- enhance their experience with a
even more exciting experiences for ing was absolutely the best I cruise component. That means
visitors.” attended during Cruise360 2022! higher commissions for me and
It was very informative and super happier, repeat clients.”