Page 6 - JAMVAC Newsletter - MAR 2022
P. 6

Jamaica has a rich history of
                                                                         being home to some of the
                                                                       world’s most talented artisans
                                                                      producing high-quality pieces.
         Crafting                                                    For the Craft Traders of Jamaica,

                                                                        the cruise industry plays an
        a Culture of Excellence                                      important role in supporting the

                                                                     lives and livelihoods of artisans,

        from Ocho Rios to the World                                      entrepreneurs, and other
                                                                          businesses in the sector.

          Minutes away f rom the            Founded in 2007 to bridge the      The pandemic, especially the first
          award-winning Ocho Rios           gap between artisans, craft entre-  year, has had a significant impact
          cruise port are hundreds          preneurs and other stakeholders    on the livelihoods of the craft sector
          of friendly, professional,        in the industry, ORCC’s mandate    and by extension, the communities
          and gifted artisans crafting      is to set and help to maintain     in which they live and work. “It was
          their way into the hearts         standards for excellence in product   very hard at first to live through
          and homes of visitors and         and service; create equal oppor-   the reality of a closed port over an
          locals alike. The Ocho Rios       tunities for business; and foster   extended period. We have grown
          Craft Council (ORCC) is the       an environment of collaboration    accustomed to a lively Ocho Rios
          oversight body charged with       towards growth. The vision of using   port and welcoming visitors to
          administering the operations      arts to change lives, create beauti-  Jamaica. This experience has been
          of 1,100 active craft traders     ful products, and build commu-     eye-opening and challenging but
          and 8 craft markets located       nities continues to flourish after   we are grateful for the govern-
          in the Greater Ocho Rios area.    15 years.                          ment grants and other forms of
                                                                               support given to craft traders”, Mr
                                            According to ORCC President, Mr    Mitchell said.
                                            Devon Mitchell, “our members
                                            are now a unified body, moving     The Government of Jamaica has
                                            forward in one accord and now      provided financial grants valued
                                            appreciate the importance of their   at $70,000 to approved members
                                            individual contribution. The work   of the craft sector, and contin-
                                            of the Council has made the formal   ues a program of training and
                                            industry more receptive to doing   education across the tourism and
                                            business with craft traders and    hospitality sector to build resil-
                                            artisans. We are proud to now be   ience and continuously improve
                                            recognized by our industry and     Jamaica’s tourism product. The
                                            by visitors for the quality of our   outlook for 2022 is very positive
                                            work and the professionalism of    with a gradual return to operations
                                            our members.”                      to safely welcome cruise visitors
                                                                               to Jamaica.
          6                    J AMAIC A CRUISING  ISSUE #4
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