Page 5 - JAMVAC Newsletter3
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              ... % of the world’s most potent
                medicinal plants only found in

             Over the years, Jamaica’s          and Wellness; Shopping; and
             government and tourism             Knowledge. Get ready for an
             stakeholders have been deliberate   insider’s look at the best in food,
             about developing a product that    fashion, music and festivals,
             is authentic and supported by      f ine artisanal products and                 JAMAICA IS A
             highly trained teams and service   unforgettable spa and sporting           TRULY UNBEATABLE
             providers with a unique brand      experiences.                             DESTINATION when
             of hospitality that keeps visitors                                           it comes to natural
             coming back. Beyond the sun, sea   Among the experiences awaiting          wonders and premium
             and sand, Jamaica offers a range   you are the world’s seventh largest        offerings, ranked
             of signature immersive vacation    natural harbour; the birthplace of        among the world’s
             experiences that standout even     seven popular music genres to           best across categories.
             among global offerings.            include reggae and dancehall; the
                                                land of athletics’ fastest man and        See you soon!
             We invite you to join us, starting   woman in the world; and a range
             with this issue, on a journey to   of products and services using
             discover Jamaica in five “senses”   33% of the world’s most potent
             - Gastronomy; Entertainment,       medicinal plants only found in
             Music and Sports; Heal th          Jamaica.

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