
Historic Falmouth

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A little bit of history

Falmouth is the chief town and capital of the parish of Trelawny in Jamaica. It is situated on Jamaica's north coast 18 miles east of Montego Bay. It is noted for being one of the Caribbean's best-preserved Georgian towns.
During the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries, Falmouth was one of the busiest ports in Jamaica. It was home to masons, carpenters, tavern-keepers, mariners, planters and others.
It was a wealthy town in a wealthy parish with a rich racial mix. Within the parish, nearly one hundred plantations were actively manufacturing sugar and rum for export to Britain. Jamaica, during this period, had become the world's leading sugar producer. 
Falmouth is the chief town and capital of the parish of Trelawny in Jamaica.

Info & Services


Sangster International Airport is 3.1 km from the seaport.

Facilities & Pilotage

Pilotage, water, provisions.
Position: 18°30N, 77°39W.

Agents alert Pilotage Depatment on ship’s ETA and ETD at least 12 hours before required time. Pilot boards and guides ship in and out of channel. Pilotage charges are calculated according to grt.

Provisions & Tender

Provisions: Available.
Tenders: Tender service is not available.
Towage: Not available.

Medical aid

Falmouth Hospital is 1.2 km from the port.

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Jamaica Cruising

Jamaica Vacations Limited
The PanJam Building, 5th Floor
60 Knutsford Boulevard
New Kingston, Jamaica

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